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Key Words:    UV Disinfection  Medium Pressure UV Disinfectio  Swimming Pool Disinfection

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Bottled water UV disinfection project
browse: Release Date:2019-08-20
Project type:Bottled Water UV Disinfection
Treatment Capacity:10T/h
Pollution Factors:Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA-MSHA) exceeding the standard
Executive Standard:《National Food Safety Standard - Packaging Drinking Water》(GB19298-2014)
Project Overview:The plant locates in Jiangxi, making high quality bottled spring water. The plant follows the manufacturing process of sand filtration, carbon filtration, ultrafiltration, and disinfection to bottle the natural spring water. Shanghai Towin specially designed and developed the Medium-pressure UV system for the final disinfection to primary cut off Pseudomonas Aeruginosa to meet the revised national standard, while keeping the natural taste or mineral balance of this distinctive spring water with enhance shelf life for the bottled water.