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Key Words:    UV Disinfection  Medium Pressure UV Disinfectio  Swimming Pool Disinfection

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The current position:Home > Case Story > Swimming Pool >
Children's swimming pool water purification
browse: Release Date:2019-08-19
Project Type: Parent-child swimming pool
Treatment water volume: 15 t/h
Pollution factors: E. coli exceeded standards, disinfectant poisonous by-products
Executive Standard: “Swimming Pool Water Quality CJ/T 244-2016” 
Project Overview: This project is a chain parent-child swimming pool in Shanghai. The children's swimming pool has stricter requirements on water quality. It is hard to control the chlorine disinfectant dosage. An overdose has an effect on both the skin and breathing of infants; an insufficient dose will fail to disinfect. In addition, the chlorine in the swimming pool reacts with organic substances such as urine, sweat, saliva, hair, etc., and it is easy to produce toxic amine by-products such as chloramine. It may stimulate and reduce the heart and lung functions of the human body, and severe cases may cause or aggravate asthma. Therefore, operators urgently need a safe and efficient swimming pool water disinfection equipment. Towin’s UV sterilizer is equipped with Toshiba’s UV lamp, which is designed with a scientific dose and effectively solves the issue of problematic swimming pool water.