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The current position:Home > Case Story > Aquatic Farm >
Yangjiang marine farm water purification
browse: Release Date:2019-08-20
Project type: white-leg shrimp culture water sterilization
Treatment volume: 200 t/h
Pollution factors: total coliform, vibrio exceeding standards
Executive standard: "fishery water quality standard GB11607-89” 
Project Overview: The project is located in the White-leg shrimp Breeding Base in Yangjiang, Guangdong. With the increasingly fierce market competition, there is an increase in the demand for the quality and safety of non-polluting, pollution-free aquaculture technologies and aquaculture species.

Bactericidal effect: After the original water is completely sterilized, it will enter the breeding pool to prevent external dangers.

Bactericidal effect: used in the breeding process to reduce bacteria and ensure the health of fish and shrimp; significantly reduce sewage discharge and respond to national environmental policies.